

How to get into the pose:

  • Begin in Vajrasana the Thunderbolt pose.

  • Bring your weight forward so that you release the hips from the heels.

  • Keeping your knees together, take your heels wider than your hips with the toes pointing back behind you.

  • Place your thumbs into your calf muscles and gently push down and back to rotate the muscles out and create space to sit back on the mat in between your heels. Your thighs should be rotating inwards.

  • Lengthen through the spine and open (but not lift) up the front of the body, bringing the shoulders gently back.

  • There are many positions for the arms but a good starting place is to interlace the fingers and place your hands in your lap.

  • To come out, release the hips from the mat and return to Dandasana (seated staff pose)

  • Stay still for a few deep breaths before continuing your practice.

Remember to create the balance between effort and ease in your pose.

How long to stay in the pose:

  • Ten or more breaths

Gaze (Drishti)

  • Third Eye or Fingers

Modifications you can take to make this pose more accessible:

  • Kneel on a folded blanket to relieve pressure on the top of the feet.

  • Elevate your hips by sitting on as many blocks as you need. This modification is a great option to relieve intensity at the feet and knees.

  • Sit with your hands behind you and feet as wide as the mat. Allow your knees to drop towards each other. You can also do this in a reclined posture.


  • You can progress to Reclined Hero pose when you are able to practice Hero without props underneath the hips.

Contraindications / Cautions

  • Be cautious, or avoid altogether, if you have ankle or knee injury or issues.

Helpful videos from our YouTube Channel

Enjoy your practice and get in touch if you have any questions.


Warrior I


Bound Angle